Montag, 14. Oktober 2013

egoSelekta! S02E41 dance different radio. TOBESTAR & SiNNAMiX egoFM 121013


Amy Steele - eyes on you Spectrasoul RMX
Pennygiles  - stories untold
T-Base  -  colour in with our sound
Reds   - nobody does it better
Tim Cant  -  the whole truth
Response  - surveillance
nScape  - free fall
Phil Tangent   - we don't talk anymore
Incognito  -  black magic  Philth RMX
Krone - tears of Gaia
Brother   -  too long
Makoto   - waiting
Soul Culture  - see you again
Actraiser- Heartbreak
Brunno Junglist- Parents
Furney/paul SG- White Storm
Dave Schichman/DuoScience- Fall 3
Josh Buck- Ditto
Level C- Journey Home
Noel- Destiny
Dave Schichman/DuoScience- Para Levar
Jaybee & Kasper  - besides the point
Josh Buck- All Day
Kove- Night Thought
Wookie/Eliza Doolittle- The Hype (Danny Byrd remix)   

Join Sinnamix & Tobestar every Friday from 2100 CET, 2000 GMT, 3pm East Coast US, 12 Noon West Coast US... for Selekta! Dance Different Radio

( just hit the green play button to stream the channel.)

Or catch it on FM dial Southern Germany... Munich: 100.8, Augsburg 94.8, Nürnberg 103.6, Würzburg 95.8, Regensburg 107.5...

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